We are located in the beautiful gated neighborhood of Portuguese Bend, in Rancho Palos Verdes.
Our Pony Club is apart of the Camino Real Region.
Upcoming: Certifications 2/4/24 and our qualifying quiz rally in Santa Barbara 2/11/24. Kentucky bound this July. Go team PBPC!!!
January/2024 - Community building work days at PBPC. Thank you Susan for sponsoring this day. So much was accomplished and our dressage ring has never looked better!

Save the Date for Camino Real Region Pony Club Camp!
July 31st to August 4th. Riding, Horse Management, Crafts, Swimming and Mountain Trail Rides!! Cost $625. Contact Sharon 661.972.0373 or Jennifer 805.443.1258 for more information.

Coming Up: Mega Rally is scheduled at El Sueno Equestrian Center on Sunday, May 7th and the Regional Fundraising Derby is Saturday, May 6th.
MEGA RALLY and the Regions OPEN DERBY are coming up on the first weekend in May. Derby entries close May 1st. Rally entries close April 24. Derby has cross country jumping, stadium jumping, and dressage (including western dressage) The Rally is stadium jumping or dressage (including Western Dressage) You can save $25 by entering the Derby by May 1st.

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Watch the awesome video about our 50th Anniversary Celebration here:
Quiz Rally Champs at the Santa Barbara Polo Club!

Pony Club's Documentary: Where It All Begins